This should have been in there at launch, but at least we finally have it now, even if it is off by default. It’s made even worse by the fact that the compass icon for an untracked quest is the same as that of a quest you haven’t picked up. But when a game launches in 2014 with only the ability to track one quest a time? That’s just unacceptable. It’s a holdover from a bygone era when screens were smaller with a lot fewer pixels. It’s a minor annoyance when Lord of the Rings Online only allows five quests on its tracker, but it’s understandable. My wife tried ESO several times before it clicked with her, and she just told me the other day that she thinks the main reason it worked out this time was that she installed the minimap addon. I’m still amazed there’s no official option for this. If I don’t have a minimap, I’m going to find a way to get one modded in. I understand the arguments against it–it’s screen clutter, immersion breaking, just use the compass, etc.–but it just makes navigating so much easier. In my opinion, every MMORPG, if not every open world RPG online or not, needs a minimap. All of the links I’ve provided below can also be downloaded through Minion. If the game is open, just type /reloadui and your shiny new addon will show up instantly. Just open Minion, search for what you want, and click Install. You don’t have to hunt around for your addon folder or fiddle with unzipping addons in just the right place. Minion makes getting and updating addons easy. Let’s face it, as great as they are, keeping track of mods and addons is a pain, especially in a game that updates every few weeks. Ok, this isn’t a addon, it’s a addon manager from. Hopefully it will help some other players get into the game more easily. Here’s a list of addons I install and settings I set for every new computer/character, roughly in order of importance to me. I recently got my wife and some friends into Elder Scrolls Online, and was struck by just how much work it is to get the game to play the way I feel it should as a long-time MMO player.