The Homing Spider Droid isn't without weaknesses, however. It also carries an antipersonnel cannon for close quarters combat, and an ion cannon capable of disabling starships and other powerful vehicles.

Due to this sustained firepower, the Homing Spider Droid could weaken shields, destroy tanks and mow down troops. The dish fired a precision homing laser that could be maintained until the droid's energy went out. Its chief weapon is its laser emplacement, which is mounted on its head. The Spider Droid is able to cross virtually any terrain due to its long legs, and due to its extendable hydraulics, it can position its large homing laser above its fellow droids to destroy enemies, or move to higher ground so it could blast enemies out of the sky. It was designed to transport large and devastating weapons across the battlefield. The Spider Droid, like the Republic's SPHAs, is effective against ground or airborne targets.

They make a comeback for the New Confederacy of Independent Systems helping them fight against the evil Galactic Empire. These Spider Droids were first tested at the First Battle of the Clone Wars. The OG-9 Homing Spider Droid or the Homing Spider Droid or commonly known as the Spider Droid is a Confederacy of Independent Systems Droid Tank created by the Commerce Guild during the Clone Wars.